Attention Getting Ability: Level 1
Different Strokes for Different Dogs
What is true about all dog training equipment is that you can get almost magical results with one dog and poor to hideous results with another. Many people have experienced almost magical results using the head collar. When it works as it was intended, dogs just naturally reframe from putting pressure on their face. Another blessing is that when and if a large dog does try to throw their weight into the head collar it turns their head and dramatically reduces any kind of blunt force to the dog handler’s body.
***** Highly recommended for any handler that is more vulnerable to being injured by their dog.
Attention Getting Ability: Level 1
Level 1 implies that with this piece of dog training equipment that the handler is exerting one of the lowest levels, or least unpleasant levels of aversive stimuli available to manage the dog on leash.
With the head collar, that statement in itself is open to dispute. It is debatable because there are (occasionally) dogs that refuse to have any kind of apparatus on their face. One of these dogs might paw at their face and throw their body around communicating in no uncertain terms that they would give it a level 10 in adversity. Once again, there is not a single type of dog training collar that is right for All Dogs.
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