Taking The Integrated Approach means:

There are numerous ways to manage barking.  The bark collar is a perfect addition to your management solutions especially when you can’t always be there to manage your dog.  Or maybe there are just those times of day when you would prefer for your dog to make a better choice all on its own (with the help of the Garmin Bark Collar).

This collar is the best bark collar for so many reasons:

  1. It is waterproof.
  2. It has a Bark Odometer. (It actually counts the number of corrections.)
  3. It has a variety of training program options.  (Vibration / Electrical Stimulation)
  4. It has safety features galore.
  5. It has all of the variable levels of electronic stimulation to suit your dog.
  6. It is reasonably priced.
  7. It is reliable.
  8. It works with All sizes of dogs.



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