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Taking The Integrated Approach means:


Grannick’s Bitter Apple is not the only solution, but it is one of the best solutions.


Irving Grannick was a pharmacist as well as an entrepreneur.  He created Grannick’s Bitter Apple and first introduced it to Veterinary Colleges and Veterinarians as a professional product back in 1960.  Its rubbing alcohol base provides therapeutic uses such as: 

  1. deterring dogs from chewing their sutures.  It can be sprayed directly on sutured areas.
  2. deterring dogs from licking irritated areas or areas in the process of healing.

It’s professional and therapeutic success gradually filtered through to the general public making it, in my opinion, the best product in its field.  I only wish I had a nickel for every time I have recommended it.

Grannick’s Bitter Apple may be part of the solution for:

  1.  a teething puppy.
  2.  a young child or senior citizen who is afraid of being chewed on.  It’s rubbing alcohol base makes it safe to spray directly on clothing or skin.
  3. a senior dog who needs relief from a teething puppy. 
  4. an extra incentive in deterring dog fights.
  5. protecting your shoes or shoe laces, plants, and basically anything you would prefer your dog not to chew on.


Warning: Do not spray Grannick’s Bitter Apple Liquid Spray on wood varnished surfaces and certain dyed leathers.  It’s always best to test.